Ingredients ½ Kg Mutton Mince 1 Kg Red Potatos ½–¾ Tbsp Salt 200 ml Water 1 & ½ Tsp Chopped Green Chilli’s 2 Tsp Crushed Ginger ¼ Tsp Salt to taste 1 Tsp Cumin Seeds ¼ Tsp Garam Masala Powder 1 Medium Sized Onion 2 Tbsp Finely Chopped Coriander Semolina 8 Eggs Instructions Remove the skin of the potatoes, chop them into eighths and leave them to boil in a pan full of water (enough water so that the potatos are fully covered) with salt until the potatoes become very soft (you can check they’re ready by piercing a potato with a knife, if it slides off then it’s done!) Drain the potatos from the water and put them into a bowl Use a potato masher to mash the potatoes completely while they are still hot, until there are nolumps remaining. Then leave the potatos to cool Place the mutton mince in a pan with 200ml water and cook at low heat until the water reduces to half the original quantity Add chopped green chilli, crushed ginger, salt, cumin seeds and garam masala to the mince and mix...