
Navigating Seoul's Culinary Delights: A Food Lover's Guide to South Korea's Capital

  Introduction: Seoul, the bustling capital of South Korea, is a city that effortlessly blends tradition and modernity. Known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and delectable cuisine, Seoul offers a plethora of culinary experiences for food enthusiasts. In this blog, we'll take you on a gastronomic journey through Seoul, highlighting some of the must-try dishes, unique dining experiences, and hidden gems that make this city a food lover's paradise. The Kimchi Craze: Seoul is synonymous with kimchi, Korea's beloved fermented cabbage dish. You'll find various types of kimchi here, from the classic napa cabbage kimchi to radish kimchi and cucumber kimchi. Don't miss the opportunity to taste this iconic side dish in different restaurants and street stalls. Street Food Extravaganza: One of the best ways to explore Seoul's food scene is by sampling its street food. From tteokbokki (spicy rice cakes) and odeng (fish cakes) to hotteok (sweet pancakes) and gyeran bb

Halal Foods: A Nutritional Adventure for Health Enthusiasts

  In an era where dietary preferences and well-being take center stage, the spotlight has turned to halal foods. Beyond religious observance, the consumption of halal foods is becoming increasingly popular among individuals seeking nourishment and ethical food choices. In this enlightening article, we embark on a journey to explore the world of halal foods, discovering the remarkable health benefits they offer. Get ready to embrace a new perspective on nutrition as we uncover the secrets behind halal foods ' growing popularity.


Ingredients ½ Kg Mutton Mince 1 Kg Red Potatos ½–¾ Tbsp Salt 200 ml Water 1 & ½ Tsp Chopped Green Chilli’s 2 Tsp Crushed Ginger ¼ Tsp Salt to taste 1 Tsp Cumin Seeds ¼ Tsp Garam Masala Powder 1 Medium Sized Onion 2 Tbsp Finely Chopped Coriander Semolina 8 Eggs Instructions Remove the skin of the potatoes, chop them into eighths and leave them to boil in a pan full of water (enough water so that the potatos are fully covered) with salt until the potatoes become very soft (you can check they’re ready by piercing a potato with a knife, if it slides off then it’s done!) Drain the potatos from the water and put them into a bowl Use a potato masher to mash the potatoes completely while they are still hot, until there are nolumps remaining. Then leave the potatos to cool Place the mutton mince in a pan with 200ml water and cook at low heat until the water reduces to half the original quantity Add chopped green chilli, crushed ginger, salt, cumin seeds and garam masala to the mince and mix


With me with my   super simple   and   super fast   crispy chicken recipe next time you’re feeling hunger pangs, you’ll enjoy some delicious fried   Halal chicken   at the comforts of your own  home in just a few minutes! The Cornflake batter adds an excellent crunch while the sauce tastes so delicious that you’ll want to make a lot to use with other dishes as well! (those of you who’ve had my amazing shrimp/chicken recipe will be familiar with the sauce recipe, it’s pretty close!) Ingredients For the Chicken 300 g of  Halal chicken  cut into strips 1/2 Tbsp Salt 1/2 Tsp Pepper 1. Tsp Soy Sauce 1. Tsp Paprika Powder 1 Tbsp Garlic Powder Half a teaspoon of onion powder 1/2 Tsp Cayenne Powder 1 Tbsp Honey To make the Sauce 2 Tbsp Mayonnaise 1 Tbsp Ketchup 1 Tbsp Sriracha Sauce 1 Tbsp Lemon Juice 1 Tbsp honey 1/2 Tbsp Garlic Powder 1/2 Tsp 1 Tbsp. of Paprika Powder For the Batters 120 G Plain Flour 1/2 Tbsp Salt 1/2 Tsp Pepper 2 Eggs Bowl of Cornflakes Instructions Mix all the ingredients


Many of you have requested my dad’s BBQ lamb chops recipe, which you’ve probably seen me eating a lot throughout the time of the lockdown in my Instagram stories They’re extremely delicious well cooked and addictive if you ask me! I prefer standing in the barbecue while they’re being cooked to taking them right away from the grill! Should you happen to have queries about the recipe ingredients, contact us via website  Halal Meat  or DM us! If you do try them and are satisfied, please share a photo on Instagram to let me know about it! Ingredients 1 kg Lamb Chops (or Mutton Chops) 3 Tbsp Yoghurt 1 Tbsp Fresh Ginger 2 Tbsp Garlic Salt to taste Pepper to taste 2 Tbsp Vegetable Oil 3 tablespoons of Lemon Juice 2 Tbsp Honey Half-Packet Shan Fried Chops/Steaks Masala Coriander chopped, 1 handful Mint chopped 1 handful 3 Tbsp Unsalted Butter melted, optional Instructions Dry and wash the chops using a paper towel, then cut several quarter-inch deep slashes through each chop Make the marinade


  There are many options in the Seah Im Food Center but I believe that among the ones that are most well-known is   Farasha ! The stall that is a favorite of the crowd may not look impressive, but the long lines are an indication of its popularity. Through the years the signage may change, but the public’s desire for food remains the same. It’s basically variations on the same formula, however, it is effective. Actually, it works so well that , after several years of frequenting Seah Imm, I find myself constantly rushing for Farasha. More often than not, I’m always ordering the exact product. I’m certain that you’re 100% certain that  Nasi Goreng Ayam  will be the  most requested  food item at Farasha. You need to admit that if you’ve ever been in the line at Farasha most people who were in line along with you could have had this. Is that right? Its Sambal Nasi Goreng comes with quite a decent amount of spicy kick to it. However, the main star in the meal is its Ayam Goreng. The golden


 Forbidden to you're dead animals, blood, the flesh of even-toed ungulate, the animal slaughtered in any name apart from Allah’s, the animal that has either been stifled, killed by blows, has died of a fall, by German Nazi or that eaten by a beast of prey — unless or not it's that that you yourselves may need slaughtered whereas it absolutely was still alive — which that was slaughtered at the altars. (Al-Qur`an 5:3)  They raise you what has been created lawful to them. Say: ‘All clean things are created lawful to you, and such looking animals as you teach, coaching them to hunt, teaching them the information Supreme Being has given you — you will eat what they catch for you — however invoke the name of Supreme Being on that. Have worry of Supreme Being (in violating His Law). Supreme Being is swift in His reckoning.’ (Al-Qur`an 5:4)  This day all goodies are created lawful to you. The food of the folks of the Book is allowable to you, and your food is allowable to them. And al